Repurpose & Syndicate your Digital, Social Media and Marketing Content

Repurpose & Syndicate your Digital, Social Media and Marketing Content 

Take your marketing and social media promotions to the next level! With just a few clicks, you can rank on google easier and faster with evergreen, and organic SEO optimised, strategies that are designed to increase visibility.

Module 1: How to β€˜mine’ your own underutilised and unused content for gems you can use 

Module 2: Ways to get the biggest results by making the most of your content 

Module 3: Using what you already have and what comes naturally to you to create the most powerful content 

Module 4: Finding and monetising content you don’t even count as content

Why you need to Repurpose & Syndicate your Digital, Social Media and Marketing Content. Take your marketing and social media promotions to the next level! With just a few clicks, you can rank on google easier and faster with evergreen; organic SEO optimised, strategies that are designed to increase visibility. 

How to Repurpose and Syndicate your Digital, Social Media and Marketing Content?

The first step is to find the time. If you are running a business, you will have a lot of other priorities. Find the time to do it! We recommend 5 minutes per day or 30 minutes per week. The trick is to make this part of your routine. If you have an assistant or staff member who can take on this task, that’s great! But if not, use the time in your day when you are waiting for something else to finish. For example, while you are on hold waiting for customer service, allocate at least 15 minutes a day! (ps that is what I am doing now!)

The next step is identifying what content you want to repurpose and syndicate. This content could be from your blog, webinars, story, website or social media accounts (such as Facebook). The goal is to post new content as frequently as possible without annoying your audience so they stop following/liking/sharing with you! as well as engaging them and taking them on your content discovery. You want them to come back for more because they love what they see from you and want more of it! As with most things in life, less is more when it comes to posting new content frequently – so don’t overdo it!

The final step?– launch, need a framework? Check out the toolkit below hereπŸ“Œ